Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Malignant Deathcult

Skiron - foul winds graze ceremonial robes within the circle of the possessed!
Erebos -nightly mass amidst the elysian fields, to honour the might of beyond!

Pestilential bearer wield thy sinful scythe,
hallowed be thy blackened crown.
In a deathlike frenzy bless this nocturnal cult,
Unchain the phalanx of living plagues.

Skiron - Erebos - Malignant Deathcult

Notos - ground your misty breath upon the forthcoming mourning!
Koios - fallen empires shall be triumphant,
resolving existing into mouldering ashes.

An unillumined dawn shall wear mourning.
For those who live shall soon be dead found,
An enlightened dusk shall malignant rejoice,
For those who have died shall rise again.